Beautiful Mountain Scene | Teen Ink

Beautiful Mountain Scene

June 3, 2012
By Esther Nawrot BRONZE, Ballston Lake, New York
Esther Nawrot BRONZE, Ballston Lake, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Gentle, sparkly, clear water,
sprinkling out of the beautiful lady fountain,
as she smiles at the viewers and her daughter,
for she too enjoys this lively green mountain!

The young colorful flowers also smile,
as the trees move to not block the glistening yellow sun,
the viewers treasure this moment, for it lasts just a while,
this is a cherished scene for everyone!

The thin, rich, green grass,
covered in a slight morning dew, glistens in the light,
hoping this moment would never pass,
because arriving... is night!

Pine, maple, birch, and oak trees,
clean and purify the mountain air,
so everyone can enjoy the slight breeze,
you'll never find a place like this, nature is made up of care!

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