Sounds of The Night | Teen Ink

Sounds of The Night

June 3, 2012
By nicryu BRONZE, West Orange, New Jersey
nicryu BRONZE, West Orange, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“click, click, click, click, click,”, go my fingers from key to key transforming thought into text. I am posting comment after comment on other comments about blogs or pictures or assignments, awaiting for response.
“Pop!”, signals a new email. I switch pages. “Pop!” another email and another window opens on my screen. Chaos comes unwelcome for my monitor becomes a screen covered with smaller screens. The content on each open window is blocked by another open window forcing the curser to navigate through a sea of web pages.
“Woosh!” Windows down with the red “x” or minimized with the yellow “-“ in my search for information for clarity. Isolating each page so I can reply to friends, teachers, and colleagues with some focus and efficiency.
“Bloop, Bloop” The dizzying color wheel takes center screen. I am no longer in control of my cursor, and within a few seconds there are six new Facebook notifications, three new replies on Edmodo, thirty new Twitter updates, two new summaries of WOHS sports games on, and one saved composition on Microsoft Word.
“click, click, click, click, click,” All of my information has been refreshed, and every page has been renewed. Everything has changed in only a moment. There are new reactions to old posts and new posts waiting for reactions. Like an athlete I must be on my toes and mobile because if I stop my momentum I will not be able to keep up with the constant high-speed acceleration of the Internet.
“Tick tock!” The clock continues moving forward. Like a stock trader, I watch my monitor waiting for the next piece of action as I extend my thoughts onto the screen and I am not surprised that I forgot to click “post” or “reply” before renewing the page thus deleting my text.
“Ugh.” I continue moving forward with my composition. My typing becomes more fierce and the text more saturated with fresh information.
“Bloop…” A renewed page may display something unexpected. Whether the result is favorable or undesirable, I must react.
“Bloop” Oodles of new data pours onto each refreshed page and I am thinking of sleep so I, myself can be refreshed in the morning. Only to be greeted by notifications and emails on my phone’s small screen, reminding me that life is still in motion and the Internet is never tired, "click"

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