Why I Love You | Teen Ink

Why I Love You

June 6, 2012
By AbbyM BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
AbbyM BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Live life to the fullest without regrets"

Because of your laid back
Adoration of our Love,
For showing me that love is not a toy
You play with as a child,
We dream of Forever
Always lusting for more than what we have,
I know we will make it
Beyond our hopes and dreams.

Because you hold me
Hesitating to let go,
Brushing my hair back from my face
When I cry,
And kiss away my tears
Of our ups and downs,
Never finding our solid ground,
But still holding on
Scared of falling to an end.

Because even though we’re not
The perfect two
Like Auburn repeats
Throughout her love song
I know that I’ll always have you,

Because you are my life
The line that plays through my head
Like words that were left behind,
I hear your soul sing like a ring
In a rhyme I find it hard,
To explain
How crazy you make me feel but...

I Love you because
Your mine

The author's comments:
This is about my ex i wrote it to him on valentines day... and still to this day i love him dearly even though he cheated i still do care. He ment alot and even though this is about him it could really be to anyne i truely love.

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