Undefeated | Teen Ink


May 29, 2012
By Taryn569 GOLD, Bellvue, Colorado
Taryn569 GOLD, Bellvue, Colorado
11 articles 3 photos 0 comments

I am the lion that no chains can hold
I am the mustang whom no-one cannot break
I am the eagle that soars without wings
My tamer's the victim who drowns in my wake.

I am the sun that screams through the rain
I am the gold that no fool can find
I am the armor no knife dares to pierce
My rider's the victim who will not survive.

I am the war cry that's heard through the cold
I am the the castle no army can win
I am the tree that no axe can cut down
My killer's the one who'll repent for his sin.

I am the pearl so small but so strong
I am the songbird who breathes out a song
I am the seedling that grows through the flame
My victim believes I've been dead all along.

Now listen! My voice climbing high through the air
Your whips do not hurt me, your guns all beware,
You are my victim, it's you I have claimed,
I am hope undefeated, remember my name.

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