Stentorian Life | Teen Ink

Stentorian Life

May 6, 2008
By Anonymous

Being a woman and
living a stentorian life
is a lovely thing.

And so is being a half-time worker
at a day care on Mondays
while planning to have kids
of your own some day.

Assorting your dream wedding
by filling-up the pages of a
scrap book on Tuesdays,

taking a look into
your future imagining
your blue-eyed hottie
standing at the altar,

day with all your friends
loving the thrilling
rollercoaster ride
of life on Wednesdays,
having fun
and living it up.

Dressing casual

in your sweats and shirt,
getting pumped,
working on your surfer bod
on Thursday, then grabbing
a lemon-lime flavored ice
as a healthy way to
treat yourself
for breaking a sweat.

A sprits of perfume
here and there
has you psyched
for your “fun day,”
driving down the
music at max,
fingers tapping away
at the steering wheel,
then slipping into
a small Latino restraint
for a virgin
Hawaiian kiss margarita.

the master card
on Saturday,
showing your love
for fashion,
your sales radar
is going crazy
for a day of shopping--
NO limits.

Your Sunday,
your graceful day,
letting go of all your worries,
go sink into your peaceful place,
enjoying your aroma snack
of boxed pizza luchable--


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