If I Die Tonight | Teen Ink

If I Die Tonight

May 21, 2012
By Dimplesss BRONZE, Canton, Mississippi
Dimplesss BRONZE, Canton, Mississippi
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If I die tonight, let me rest in peace
Peacefully and slowly beyond the sky, up with my deceased
If i die tonight, watch how the fake waste their tears
Knowing all along they didn't converse with me throughout these years
If I die tonight, I wonder how life is gonna be
Who's gonna do this? Who's gonna do that? I'm just gonna leave it up to God, he'll show me, I'll see
If I die tonight, don't cry for me
Think about my smile, my laugh set all your emotional thoughts free
If I die tonight, bury me in nothing but purple and white
God knows my soul is to be pure as I walk into the light
If I die tonight, don't think of it as I'm gone
My spirit will always be here, so you'll never be alone
If I die tonight, I know for a fact it'll never be the same
Remember these words; my love with you shall always remain.

The author's comments:
I lost my cousin on June 8, 2011 and I noticed how when he died, people started claiming him. Everyone was just being fake towards his death.

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