I Believe | Teen Ink

I Believe

May 22, 2012
By Anonymous

I believe the death penalty is an immoral, unjust action and getting
an A on my bio test would be more exciting than going to a party on a
Saturday night.

I believe my mom is a strong, brave person, my dad is a dreamer and
money doesn’t make you happier but it makes life easier

I believe chocolate cake with melted chocolate fudge can make any day
better and the government sometimes gives too much to the poor making
them lazy

I believe everyone has the right to choose what they want to believe
in and honesty is the backbone in a relationship

I believe school is based too much on grades, act scores, GPAs and my
best friend Corinne can give the best advice in any situation.

I believe lakes, oceans and pools are natural showers, shampoo is not
necessary over summer and our society lives too much in fear of
stranger and violence

I believe you can make your life whatever you want to make it as long
as you work at it and happiness is a choice

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