My Heart | Teen Ink

My Heart

April 22, 2008
By Anonymous

My heart has burst,
Been filled with love.
Beating, racing,
But that is no more.
I cannot feel a thing,
Except I feel pain.
And then I see a light,
Coming from my left.
I hear a melody,
Remembered as a child.
Someone’s playing guitar,
To help me fall asleep,
Rest my aching head.
As I dream, I see a girl,
Smiling, laughing,
Walking by.
Holding hands
With a boy nearby.
Not noticing
Her true love
On the ground
Ten feet away.
With heart
In hand.
The pain
Gets worse.
As I wake, I see a girl,
Smiling, laughing,
Walking by.
Holding hands
With a boy nearby.
Not noticing
Her true love
On the ground
Ten feet away.
With heart
In hand.
The pain fades
And worsens
At once
As I see
Walking Away.

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