Angel of Redemption. | Teen Ink

Angel of Redemption.

July 26, 2008
By Anonymous

Shining against the sun
like a pale star she
glows with that smile
and she shines like those
rays; a one of
a kind light to the
eternal darkness of the
ever forgotten damned.

Slipping through the foundation
of all the world,
finding the dark depths of
the pain and the broken
records of our soundtracks
she puts them back on
track, under the needle
of the record player.

She doesn't see anything
wrong, but the truth;
lies don't taint her
beautiful skin, she's pure
in the very essence that
she is in fact a gift
from above, an attribute
to our redemption; an angel.

Over the city she'll stand,
atop the world and atop
every fear that holds us
mere mortals back;
she's our savior to the
land of redemption and
our leader to the rebellion
of the pain, of the hate.

She'll float peace over
our streets like it's pixie
dust and we'll float into
the skies in a land of pure bliss
and happiness; she'll never
leave and she'll always see
the darkness and shed the light
to a whole new land of beauty.

The author's comments:
I wrote this when I was thinking about the world. How it seems so lost sometimes and the people in it are so corrupted. So yeah, hope you enjoy.

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