My Goodbye | Teen Ink

My Goodbye

July 26, 2008
By tinkerbell1 BRONZE, Danville, Illinois
tinkerbell1 BRONZE, Danville, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My heart was torn to pieces the day you left.
I never got the chance to say goodbye.
My thoughts are filled with what could have been.
You will never see the things you promised to see.
Why did you have to leave?
I'm so lost with out you.
Now my dreams will never come true, but I was left to find the pieces of my heart that shattered the news.
I couldn't cry
I didn't want to believe that you were really gone.
Now I just have pictures and memories to keep me company when I miss you.
I know your still with me but it's not the same.
I can't help but to think that I'm to blame.
You look down on me and say "It's not your fault" but it hurts so much.
I want you back.
You'll never see your loved ones grow.
I will tell them of all the good you have done for me and hope that they'll see how special you are to me.
Maybe it was meant to be, but for me its days of pain and blame.
Please forgive me if I ever made you angry.
I didn't mean it.
I will always love you.

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem after the death of my grandmother. She was my best friend and I miss her so much.

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