Sublime Love | Teen Ink

Sublime Love

July 25, 2008
By Anonymous

Walking on the beach. Hand in hand with my heart. Clutching him close to me as our toes squish into the sand. waves crashing. Water washing up to our ankles. Kissing the lips of my sublime reverie. Only your not a dream your ever so real. My hands wrapped around your hips. Licking the sweetness off your lips from our fanciful kiss. Staring into your eyes and then out to the sea. Visioning me and you close and in our chosen agape. A love meant just for you and me. walking behind you now. Admiring my blessing. Staying close to you. Not to loose my heart to the sea. Walking slow up to you. As he stands in the ocean. Arms wide and eyes close. Whispering to him... what are you doing my dear? He with the sweetest voice replies.... I'm thanking god for my my my love. With tears welling and my heart beating quick with passionate bliss. He takes me in his arms and gives me one last kiss to be. And a kiss to our beloved love.

Forever his. Forever mine.

He is my sublime love.

The author's comments:
I'm 16. In search of a path. A path to my chosen success. In which I will achiever. Pray for me in journey

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