Rainy Love | Teen Ink

Rainy Love

July 25, 2008
By Anonymous

Take my heart.
And hold it tight.
Maybe I will get some sleep tonight.
Because we are to far apart.
Tonight with the rain falling so hard.
All I can see is your face everywhere.
Its just so much I care.
Who ever hurt you before me is a retard.
Through each raindrop I can see your tears.
And the thought of you hurt brings me agony.
This passion I can not control in me.
And I can't stop all these fears.
Knowing that your bed is not warm.
Maybe you will see me through the rain.
And there will be no pain.
Because you are thinking of me through this storm.
Run to the window and listen.
Because maybe you can hear me whisper "I love you".
And if I listen maybe I can hear you too.
Just thinking about you makes my heart glisten.
Just hold on to my heart.
And I will hold on to our memories through this storm.
Because my feeling for you will always keep me warm.
Our love for each other is just another way of expressing Art.

The author's comments:
Friendship is my number one priority, but sometimes I wonder if its worth it all, the pain, the Drama, the tears, and the love. I am glad my friends are here, because they are the only family I have. I am glad I have that.

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