Moment of Freedom | Teen Ink

Moment of Freedom

July 25, 2008
By Anonymous

In a hanging moment

I'm left in the dust lurking in the dark

Where only the dead echo,

Their voices chime like the leaves in the wind

I feel left behind.

Scolding memories fill me

And only a single smile fills my mind

Freedom at my feet

But my fingers are numb.

Temptation and gift of the divine

My heart's racing with blood rushing to my ears

Ringing holds my heart

In a single last moment I feel sickly

Nobody is here

And all is empty

THey left me scared and deprived.

The dead man's echo

Filling my nightmares

Just has been cheated and we all are ashamed

Memories fill our hearts

But many deny

We have the right to live

Hanging in this dusk of a memory

I remember we live without one terror

The author's comments:
The Holocaust is something to joke about, Moment of Freedom was Inspired by Elie Wiesel, I admire him for what has gone threw, and what He has done. He is my Hero. I love to write about History, what People have done to make this world a better place, and also to write about the things people have done to change it.

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