Mystery Face | Teen Ink

Mystery Face

July 25, 2008
By Anonymous

The love of my life is away some place,
never knowing what I should say,
I try not to speak out,
all of the words I hold inside,
feelings of pain,
that will never go away,
I miss you more and more each day,
each time I hear your voice,
I start to tremble,
is it because I don't remember,
what your handsome face resembles,
or because I choose not to care,
I haven't seen you in several years,
so does this mean I'm losing touch,
from someone I've loved so much,
I guess I'll never know,
until I see your mystery face,
standing in front of me,
once again,
one day

The author's comments:
I have been writing poetry for about 10 years now and I love to write, I want to become a writer. So I am majoring in high school as a journalist and I write straight from the heart and soul. I have over 300 poems and I do write some songs as well.

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