Killing Me | Teen Ink

Killing Me

May 17, 2012
By Troy Martin BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Troy Martin BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Terrifying beauty, endless talent, and a reputation bigger than the stage she steals.
An angel, floating above humanity, occupying all the room one has to feel.
The lights reflect off of her laces of midnight flow,
as the beams of color connect to form her vibrant halo.
Her voice echoes out, kissing everyone’s ears;
tuneful, strong, and also sincere.
Then the curtain calls, so she tiptoes out,
to be met with standing, clapping, whistles and shouts.
Her eyes twinkle as she thanks the venue.
Standing, grinning, humbled, her warmth shines through.

Haunting, her red stained lips annunciating her every letter.
One can look around, but will find no one better.
Amazing, how a girl that is truly hard to find,
can be so loving, sweet, and gentle all the time.
She will perk up when you greet her, give you the time of day,
and look at you as if you matter, she won’t just look away.

A bit of hatred directed towards her by some fellow females,
with their dyed hair and painted nails.
However, envy is what they really feel,
because they despise her confidence, and how she still is real.
This girl stands out within a blur of makeup and skin,
effortlessly more beautiful than they have ever been.

Be careful, though, when conversing with her.
Resist her lively nature and seductive lure.
For she will make you smile and warm your heart,
and not even realize that she tore it apart.

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