Losing My Grip | Teen Ink

Losing My Grip

July 24, 2008
By flysae SILVER, Falls Church, Virginia
flysae SILVER, Falls Church, Virginia
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.

And once again, for the last time,
I walk down this road.
Feeling the world breathe under my shoes,
The cold slipping into the warmth of forever.
The flakes dissolving away,
Contemplation illuminating every branch.
To indulge in a little bit of comfort,
A little bit of sadness, a little bit of loss.
Watching it erode away the corners of my heart,
And all too long, the music accompanies me in my gaze.
I could never explain, feeling the same confusion
I’ve only had too many times.
This moment of sweetness, its aftertaste of bitterness;
I want to hear the books speak to me again.

The author's comments:
For a while, I've had trouble keeping a hold of who I am and what I want to become, and it took me more than a few days to realize that I was allowing others' negativity get to me. But I've learned that the best thing to do is follow your footsteps, and no one else's.

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