He Knew | Teen Ink

He Knew

July 24, 2008
By StormPraiser91 SILVER, Spartanburg, South Carolina
StormPraiser91 SILVER, Spartanburg, South Carolina
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Honey child. You need to build a bridge, on top of your head, and get over yourself!" -my best friend Andiel

Have you sat in a field in the sunlight
Watched a flower give her seeds to the wind
Seen her trust as they take their risky flight
She knows they're in Nature's hands

When the cold nights of Winter give way
To Springtime's tender glow
Many will rise to greet the new day
But some will have been lost in the snow

But no matter what she's lost, still she trusts in Him
Just wait a while till summer comes and goes
And watch her dedicate new seeds again
Because, like every mother, she knows

That He knew, He knew
He knew when He made us that we are His own
And Earth's just a step in the road
That will bring us home
And we're never alone

And the flowers that never saw sunlight
Are more lovely than Earth could let bloom
And they live in a garden in Paradise
The garden that He made for you

He knew, He knew
He knew when He made you that you are His own
And Earth's just a step on the road
That brought you home
You were never alone

He knew the plans that He had for your life
To give you a garden in Paradise

To give you a garden in Paradise

The author's comments:

"And I know the plans I have for you,"
says the Lord.
"Plans to prosper you,
and not to bring you harm;
to give you hope
and a future".
(Jeremiah 29:11)
Dear little Sarah Beth, this song is for you.

I never knew you, but I do know that you are loved by many here on Earth, and that the four months you spent here will never be forgotten by those whose lives you touched with your tiny hands.

But I also know that the One who loves you the most is there with you right now. I know that He raised you, loved you, and taught you to pray to Him. I know that He prepared a special garden just for you.

I wrote you this song, little Baby Angel, to tell you something you already know: that God knew the plans He had for you all along, and even though it might not have made sense to everyone here on Earth at the time, He had made a place for you. And I know that's where you are.

Sarah Elizabeth Bennett
11 October 1989--14 February 1990

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This article has 2 comments.

on Sep. 19 2008 at 7:02 pm
i loved this poem it made me feel better inside in a good way.....i just plain loved it =)

on Aug. 15 2008 at 9:03 pm
This is so beautiful. It really helped me today as I am going through some emotional problems. Keep writing girl... You'll go far.
