Laughing | Teen Ink


May 15, 2012
By Khadaja_Ingram BRONZE, Fayetteville, Arkansas
Khadaja_Ingram BRONZE, Fayetteville, Arkansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Laughing; A simple chuckle,
or a complete laugh out loud tear jerker.
Laugh for little, laugh for long.
Laugh when tears start rolling.
The little things in life make it all worth wild.
A simple act of kindness.
Laugh and “the world laughs with you” seems so true.
The sound of laughter, one always loves to hear.
Rises to smiling face.
Let laughter come freely
Laughter; magic and enchanting
Don’t keep it hidden in you soul
Let yourself go into joy
People from wherever-
Getting circled together
Laughter; can be a kind of help
A worthy enemy to distress
Rise this laughter; so dear
To be heard by human’s ear
Make it go on around the world
Little chuckles, happy giggles
So many ways of laughter
Let laughter come loose
Laughter is magic
Open your heart to this very very special kind of sound
Let laughter come alive

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