Ending of Pain. | Teen Ink

Ending of Pain.

July 27, 2008
By Anonymous

I think back to all the pain
All of the inistability with no gain
Hating myself for loving it all
Waiting for a god to finally call
Rescue me, save me, please take it away
I can deal with it some other day
I don't fit in with all of this perfection
When I made my walk into life I went into the wrong direction
All my insecurity turned into a wish
A wish to die, not rely on some false security
Getting older I figured out that just wasn't working
Before I know it the tables were turning
I picked up a pen and learned how to bleed in a different way
Realized I had something to say
There it all started on that beautiful day
I broke free of the shell which covered my creativity
Now I can ryme indefinatly; at the same time speaking my heart
Every warpped mind just needs someplace to start
Somewhere to scream while still on the pages.
Venting all the anger and rage
Finding serenity and peace and then something new to write about.
I love this life and all the blessings
Though at one time I thought it was all going to be tears
But, I faced my fears and I am pretty sure it was all just going through my teenage years.

The author's comments:
My name is Breanna and I wrote this poem to show in my own words what writing has done for me. It is a way to deal with all of the insecurity and anger teenagers are overwhelmed at times with. It has given me a new way of thinking.

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