vision and beauty | Teen Ink

vision and beauty

July 24, 2008
By Anonymous

Night hits sun goes moon comes wind blows
up and about as the river flows,
Grass moves, trees sway
Not knowing the exact thing to say, the way I care or the way you sorrow
not knowing whats in for tomorrow.
The shadows on you're face so full of grace,
of the branches and leaves. The shadows of life,
A vision of beauty so robust,
Hoping in my heart u trust,
just a thought, as the heart in ur chest.
Beating and racing, as the skin and ur flesh,
blood flows threw,
As a tear came out those brown eyes to,
Wondering why the sorrow so deep,..
How one man can give this maiden tears,
Why oh why is she so dear?
Knowing the love she has, causes fear,
You will reap wat you soe, you will soe what you reap
Staring and looking, hearing not a peep,
Wondering why hearing not a peep,
Shhhh.... fair maiden,,for now you sleep.

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