Defeated | Teen Ink


July 23, 2008
By Anonymous

You beang me to my knees
Stripped me of my defenses
Whipped my heart raw
And opened my eyes
To what true pain is.
You left me there
Praying for a death that would never come.
I lost you my beloved
My hellish, tormented love.
Loving you has been agony
Loosing you was fiery pain.
I walked thru hell with you
On paths of broken glass
Never wavering
Even for a moment.
But in the end you were gone.
I, to proud to beg forgivness
So foolish for letting you go.
I've lost you forever.
It left me Defeated.

The author's comments:
This poem was inspired by someone that I truly loved and crushed me with no mercy. The whole story is a twisted assorted affair. With blame on both sides. But what he did was much worse than I ever could've dreamed. But the lesson in all this is.. Love is like a ballon If you don't hold on tight it just might slip away and be gone forever. Remember this and you may not find heart break the way I did.

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