Silence<3 | Teen Ink


July 23, 2008
By Anonymous

In silence I love
In silence I care
I tried caring
I tried loving
You don't care
You don't understand
I never make you happy
I always make you mad
If only i could try just,
a little harder

I know I'm not perfect
I know I may cry
but I try and I try,
and I still don't quite matter

So in silence I love you
In silence I care.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this poem because of an ex-boyfriend, i was always trying to do my best and make him happy but it seemed I always did something to make him hate me or not want me, he always said he loved me and that he cared but he never really showed it and he was never really there, so it made me feel like I was secretly loving him and that I wasn't even really there..

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