Addition | Teen Ink


July 22, 2008
By scarlettrose BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
scarlettrose BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I burn. I pine. I perish.

I sit here with a pen and paper, I compose
And write about my life
About the beauty of the rose
About the sharpness of the knife
This isnt a typical love story
If you expected that...
I will disappoint you, I'm sorry
But here goes
Telling my journey from the start
Telling the tale of my love sick heart

To me you were a double edged sore
A cath 22; either I lose or I lose
But still I crave more
You're the drug I abuse
You're the desease inside my veins
The thing that pleasures most
Is also the one that pains
You're the oxygen I breath
The hit that I need
Just one more dose of my prescription
I hate to admit it
But you're my addiction

Inject me with your passion
Allow me to indulge my hunger
As I shake
I lose control and self will
And with that I ingest another bitter sweet pill
Inhaling the perfume of the love that was
All that is left is the beauty of the rose
And the sharpness of the knife
Of a weary stained life

No longer can you feed my addiction
Because you walked out the door
You were my catch 22 either i lose or I lose
And to this day I yearn for more
I couldnt refuse
The sweet escape you offered
Into the world of fiction
And in this world you became my addiction

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