Little Girl | Teen Ink

Little Girl

July 21, 2008
By Anonymous

She laughs without reason
Or cause.
Cant you see her innocent smile?
As she plays with the wind and rain.
Never knowing.
Or perhaps pretending,
That the world surrounding her isn’t

But ah, reality is cruel.
And so she dreams,
Clasping her eyes tight,
In her small bubble made by

Little girl,
What will become of you?
You lie dreaming all day.
Never waking up.
When will you find yourself in a nightmare?

Don’t let them enter!
They will hurt you,
You say.
You look around and see
Only hurt and pain.
Why should you live on
Knowing dreams you dream are only fantasies?

You clasp your eyes shut once more.
And dream eternally,
For the last time…

She laughs without reason
Or cause.
She talks to no one
But herself.
What will become of you?

Cant you see her innocent smile?
As she plays with the wind and rain.
Never knowing.
Or perhaps pretending,
That the world surrounding her isn’t

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