It's the System, Not this World | Teen Ink

It's the System, Not this World

July 21, 2008
By paige.elizabeth BRONZE, Hamburg, New York
paige.elizabeth BRONZE, Hamburg, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You show your anger
toward this world,
the world that you owe

When in fact,
it's the way you
and your brothers have
created the world's

It takes control,
you must realize
and all you want to do is

We submit our emotions now,
not to rash reactions and useful hobbies
but electronics, movies, and
such tangible possessions.

We blame, and yet ourselves need to think,
we have become adjusted to this system
we created to lock emotions, and compare
instead of being

Complain, but you too,
have made this world such.
We allow it and adjust to it's rules and regulations.

Why don't we stop?
Are we that afraid of change?

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