my story | Teen Ink

my story

July 21, 2008
By Anonymous

Shy,sacred clueless. who was i just another person who was thrown and rejected. someone nobody loved and everybody neglected? no i was that girl who "you" really cared for but as i treated it like nothing, it just went out the door. i was so in love but i thought it was like nothing. when you walked away i felt like running. running into your arms to say i love you. to get the chance to one day tell you "baby, i do". but thats all over now just because of my ways people treated me. and i got so used to it that it made me treat people differently. I know thats not who i really am inside all i did was hide the feelings that i really had for you but all i can have are your memories of you saying..."we are threw".....

The author's comments:
I had feelings for alot of guys and they all treated me with no respect. So all i did was got used to it and treated them the way they treated me. So one day on Aug.21st 2007 this guy asked me out and we were going out for almost a year until one day i realized that all i did was treat him with disrespect and he tryed so hard to change things when really it was my fault and so one day he just had enough and said that we were threw.

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