Face The Day | Teen Ink

Face The Day

July 20, 2008
By Anonymous

Everything is black,
My eyes don't want to open,
But i know they must so i can face the day,
No matter how much i want to turn away,
I don't want to face the gossip that makes me want to choke,
I don't want to endure the stares as i sit alone at lunch,
And i don't want to be picked last at P.E. again,
But I am jumping ahead of myself,
Because I forgot to mention the sharp voice of my father telling me I am not good enough over a bowl of cereal,
Isn't that very trivial?
But i get up anyway,
Because I know that this can't last forever,
And I know that I am better then they all say,
So i will get up today with hope that someone will smile my way,
But if not,
At least I can say i had the courage to face the day.

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