I dreamed of a girl | Teen Ink

I dreamed of a girl

July 19, 2008
By Anonymous

I dreamed of a girl, so perfect, so great
The kind you meet by a chance of fate.
I thought of a girl that was so ideal,
I convinced myself she was too unreal. 
I searched for the most beautiful girl
The type that leave your mind in a whirl;
The more I looked, the more I knew
There’s no way I’ll find her, she is too untrue. 
I dreamed of the one in which I could rely
One, whose grace, would transcend the sky;
I realized then it was an angel I described,
So, I told myself, “Well kid, you tried” 

Girl, you inspire me in so many ways
You simply set my heart ablaze.
My love for you grows with each passing day
You are a dream in my eyes, this, I must say. 
Now I sit and think, “Wait, my dream has come true”
The girl that I dreamed of had always been… you.  

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