New Light | Teen Ink

New Light

July 19, 2008
By Anonymous

Looking into your eyes bring back so many hurtful memories.

Back then you where my shining light in a cloudy day,

You made that pain inside go away.

I know it sounds corny to some, but to me your love was indescribable.

Now that your love has vanished, I'm broken inside.

You pulled me in and left me wanting more,

And now you say it's over and except me to walk away with a whole heart.

To me loosing you,

Not only have I lost you as my lover,

But as my best friend, support system, and ultimate comfort zone.

You have shattered my heart into a million pieces that hopeful someone can come mend it some day in the future.

If you would have told me that you would be breaking my heart today,

I wouldn't have imaged it in my wildest dreams.

We had the perfect relationship that so many search for through out their life time,

But you threw it away without ever looking back,

Leaving me behind to pick up my broke heart.

For a while I couldn't stand the sight of your beautiful eyes,

Then I saw them and it reminded me of what should have been,

But now I see them and I'm okay.

Once you where my everything.

I couldn't have image myself without you.

A while back life without your hand grabbing mine would have been no life at all.

Now when I see you walking down the hall with your new life,

I can't help but wonder if maybe just maybe we could have been.

But when my mind wonders down that road I look down at my hand and see my new life grabbing mine,

Now I know its okay.

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