Heartbroken &Torn | Teen Ink

Heartbroken &Torn

July 17, 2008
By JenaiBJackson SILVER, Detroit, Michigan
JenaiBJackson SILVER, Detroit, Michigan
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Heartbroken between words,
Torn between him,
And what use to be then.
I should have knew,
It was over before it begin.
The past,
The history bring back so many memories,
And today, I have nothing more to say.
Looking out my window,
Into the deep eyes of moonlight
Wishing upon a star,
We are still apart.
What meant to be will be?
What‘s not will not.
Love is overrated,
Time is limited,
Holding hands is a promise,
Letting go is “saying good-bye.
Heartbroken between words,
Torn between him,
And what use to be then,
I should have knew,
It was over before it begins.
The past,
The history brings back so many memories,
And today, I have nothing more to say.

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