Lets Just Be Friends | Teen Ink

Lets Just Be Friends

July 17, 2008
By Anonymous

You know that one gurl,

That you meet.

You search your whole life for,

when she is in front of you feet.

A little flirting here,

A little flirting there.

Which someday would lead,

To compassion and care.

I was the happiest man,

And we were tight.

Never an argument,

Never a fight.

But then came that day,

Which hurt the most.

The end of the road,

With nothing more to boast.

My heart was broken,

And out came the lies.

I was on the floor,

And she just walked by.

Shw tried to make it better,

She tried to lead me through.

She had liked someone else,

Not one guy, but two.

I tried to forget her,

I tried to let her be.

She is the one i want,

And the one for me.

The chemistry we had,

Came and went.

Supposedly strong,

But the truth was bent.

I was on a cloud,

When we were together.

Thinking that I,

Could float forever.

The relationship we had,

Was soon to end.

By those four fatal words,


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