You and Her | Teen Ink

You and Her

July 22, 2008
By Anonymous

You look at her, love in her eyes
You turn away, her look is despise
You love her, she loves him
I love you, nobody wins
You don’t see, the way she looks
While you pick up her books
She laughs music to your ears
You’re wasting time, wasting your years
She talks to him when you’re not around
When she’s with you she wears a frown
You hug her, she smiles, and charms
In her head, it’s his arms
You can’t hear what you ignore
Breaking of my heart, slamming of the door
Normally when I fall, I get a broken bone or two
But when I fell for you, a broken heart is all I knew
Don’t want to sound mean, I reassure you
I don’t want friendship, I want to adore you

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece after an especially rough patch in my life, and I just want people to be inspired that loving something or someone you can't have, it's okay. Do it. Because that love will keep you going in the end.

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