Le bel avec la grande puissance... (The Beautiful One With Great Power...) | Teen Ink

Le bel avec la grande puissance... (The Beautiful One With Great Power...)

July 15, 2008
By Anonymous

Le bel avec la grande puissance... (The Beautiful One With Great Power...)

He would be the sweetest taste of sin if sin had a flavour.
The more I get, it is the more I want, the more I need.
I just can't stop,
Don't want to escape,
This yearning within, the longing in my soul,
Bears no boundaries, yet needs to be filled,
So that I may be whole.
I become a leaf on the wind,
Watch how I soar.
My hands steadily moving through the breeze,
Like two graceful oak oars.
You will be the death of me,
Of that I am sure
But stiil yet, I have no control.
My body has amind of its own and keeps begging for more..

(To be continued)

The author's comments:
My current relationship inspired me to write this piece. I know it might sound corny or wateve but its just to show what happens to your control when you love someone. I hope that you will understand it and see what im trying to say. Please read it and Thank you.

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