My Fear | Teen Ink

My Fear

July 13, 2008
By Anonymous

i look upon his face
but fear to see his eyes.
fear that if i look into them
he'll look into me.
fear that wanders my body and mind
trapping what is my soul,
and that my heart does possess
everything he shall find.
eyes are the doorway to the heart,
and everything it sees.
fear that if he looks into mine
he will see all of me.
and what my heart does posess
the will to strive and live
but the deeds i've done to know his heart
i cannot forgive.
fear that if he looks into my eyes
he will see the truth,
and all that lays underneath
its solid layer of youth.
my heart forgetting how to protect itself
quickly rising to fall
pray that he'll never see into me
for my fear will say it all...

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