Richness Divine | Teen Ink

Richness Divine

July 12, 2008
By Anonymous

There's gloam and gloom in this darkling trench

Here wandering and wondering alone,

But not in solace of solitude in implausible magnitude but fear

Of a blanket covering close, tight impenetrable by any luminosity;

Hidden plainly from all proximized, so plainly out of sight

And alone, singe, un-partnered or paired,

Desperate for another, for this futile life to be shared

And had with gladness clad like graith at the maw of a terror,

So I'd be un-terrorized with him to her as one should be to another,

United certainly in love, un-coveted, but something

Natural, true and genuine

For love of someone to rest beside, lean and incline

As my light, spark and flame in the heartthrob to

Shatter the darkness like glass crackling, shattering and falling

Clattering as diamonds jeweled on a cord to –

-To thread mine own neck by thou or thy own hands,

But thouest had not hands tangible, for

Though alone in this lonely gutter, I feel thee though like wind that

Can move mine soul, bring me to prayer

Fear, I can't glance thee, see thee, glimpse thee

But you're here essential as my light

Candles of hope

Hold me in thy glow, burn not, don't let go,

My life's end nears closer each day, but

Here I am waiting and awaiting your presence to see thee in eyes of me

To be carried from this depression in the ground

But into the sky to taste blue and green and richness divine

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