The One... For All Eternity | Teen Ink

The One... For All Eternity

July 12, 2008
By Anonymous

My love for you
It falls in and out of time
You spark fires in my soul
Sending quickening pulses threw my veins
Dying up oceans with your mind
Then pouring the waters down like rain
Darkness is your light
And your songs are ones of death
But I love you
The darkness I hold tight is you
You're the cause of the death i crave so much
I'm yours at all costs
The impowerment of the body
Sending icey burts of flames down my spine
You make me scream
You make me bleed
And with each sunrise greeting the night
I die again on your cold stone floors
But as the sun sets with the next day
I'm back standing at your side
There to be for all eternity

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