Secrets | Teen Ink


July 10, 2008
By Anonymous

Little lies to break your fall

you know what's behind these walls

sleeping on it with a smile

bloodstains on the kitchen tiles

walking around with no guilt

just like that's how your built

hiding stories in the floors

just so it can happen more

break her heart and hope to die

needles needles cry, cry, cry

surrounding her just like a curse

bloody wounds and sickening words

is this how you want to be?

something you will always keep?

why'd this happen? what's the source?

it never came to this before

The author's comments:
I saw a documentary/interview about women and teen girls in abusive relationships.
Some lady was interviewed about it.
Her friend was abusing his girlfriend, but the lady never spoke up about it. She just let it happen.
Finally she intervened but it was too late, because the poor girlfriend was dead.

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