Mrs. Infedelitly | Teen Ink

Mrs. Infedelitly

July 10, 2008
By Anonymous

Lady Infidelity

Her smile was very tempting, and her eyes were blue and bright
When she licked her lips and winked her eyes, they didn’t know it was out of spite

Her figure was very curvy, very busty and very tight
She didn’t have enough room for those who arrived in the middle of the night

She always wore a red dress, the perfect sign of the devil’s lust
So when the men first heard of her, their first thought was that they must

It was said that her marvelous body was thoroughly paved with gold
So she attracted those who wanted a shot,
Whether rich or old

They heard she provided opportunity to those rich and poor
But when they came to try their chance, most ended up underneath the floor
A man would fall in love with her and 40 years later she would be completely new
The woman that they fell in love with, they never really new

This woman that we talk about is said to be unloved
She was created for the purpose of men, designed by the one up above
All these men came for a shot and found themselves in despair
I guess this woman New York was never really theirs

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