Take Me Back | Teen Ink

Take Me Back

July 12, 2008
By Anonymous

Take me back to a time where innocence captured us all; where wrong was wrong and right was right, no justifications.
Take me back to a time where school was fun; when teachers were people to respect, and ignoring a teacher was unheard of.
Take me back to a time when our parents were our heroes just because they played Candy Land with us for eight hours straight.
Take me back to a time where the highlight of Saturday was waking up seven in the morning just to watch Tom and Jerry.
Take me back to a time where Mommy and Daddy picked out our clothes and did our hair.
Take me back to a time where our biggest problem was agreeing on who would be it for tag.
Take me back to a time where drinking only meant soda and getting high only applied to swings.
Take me back to a time when war was just a card game.
Take me back to a time where parks were our favorite places to hang out every night.
Take me back to a time where putting on makeup was only allowed while playing dress up.
Take me back to a time when going on the computer was a once in a while thing.
Take me back to a time where race only corresponded with running, and colors were only found in Crayola boxes.
Take me back to a time where boys had cooties, and kissing was only imagined in a tree.
Take me back to a time where hand games, jumping rope, and hop-scotch were the only games played at recess.
Take me back to a time where five dollars seemed like a hundred.
Take me back to a time where beepers were used, but only for emergencies.
Take me back to a time where change only meant changes in seasons.
Take me back to a time where best friends remained best friends forever.
Take me back to a time where backstabbing was only seen in horror movies, if your parents allowed you to watch one.
Take me back to a time where we seemed so big, and the world seemed so small.
Take me back to a time where lying was like a crime, and stealing was never done.
Take me back to a time where sixteen years old seemed ancient.
Take me back to a time where pain was heeled with kisses, and scars only appeared on knees.
Take me back to a time where growing up seemed so far away... yet that was all we wanted to do;
At least that’s all I wanted to do.
And now I’m at the time that I longed for so many years ago, the “growing up stage”.
A time in my life where I’d rather be anywhere but here.
So take me back to a time where innocence captured us all, where childhood seemed to last forever.
Take me back to a time where nothing in the world seemed to matter,
Take me back to childhood.

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