looking though the glass window | Teen Ink

looking though the glass window

July 9, 2008
By Anonymous

Looking through the glass window

Looking through a glass window
In a house that is not a home
Seeing children playing, while he is alone
He watches with eyes wide open
But tears keep him from seeing
The warm smiles on their faces,
The want for him they are feeling
He feels like a prisoner
Trapped between four walls
Unable to answer the worlds
Welcoming call
Wasting all his time wallowing
In self-pity
Has left this poor boy
Unaccompanied in a city
Although the four walls
Refuse to disappear
The window is unlocked
And the way out is clear
Opportunity fills the air
In the other side of the glass
But opening the shut window
Is a thought in his mind
That is rebuffing to pass

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