Loss | Teen Ink


July 9, 2008
By Anonymous

As she looks up to the sky,
She wonders how fast her life will go by.
She cannot take another day,
She wants the pain to go away.
They way it keeps beating her down,
Making her fall upon the ground.
Thoughts of death flow through her head,
And sadness comes followed by dread.
But yet she sees a light dim and far,
Just like the headlights of a car.
Her life is ruined, she knows it’s true,
But how can she make it so she will rule.
Her heart repeatedly is broken,
Yet she refuses to let her words be spoken.
She hears harsh words and thought,
Of which the criminals have brought.
She looks around but there’s no one there,
No one to talk to and no one to care.
And as the world crashes about her,
She can’t help but wonder what will follow after.

The author's comments:
This poem is me, i went through a time like this once. I expressed my feelings through this poem. Everything is alright now of course, i just love this poem. It's favorite one that i've written.

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