Hands Of Time | Teen Ink

Hands Of Time

July 8, 2008
By Anonymous

As the universe expands, it tracks
Duration with omniscient power
Spanning from the unveiling of God's plan
To the pending of the Final Hour

The blur that distinguishes the past,
Present and future in its essence
Watch as clocks revolve
To its omnipotent presence

The only high-five assistance
To the hands of fate
Every tick and tock displaying its impatience
To man's mistakes

We take it for granted,
As a never-ending rotation
To our ignorance every tick and tock,
Displaying its frustrations

It can make days crawl at a snail's pace
Years fly by at Godspeed,
The mark on the wall for mortality,
The sole sundial that God needs

No means of going back,
For only memories you can rewind
So never fail to keep in touch
With the hands of time

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