Scared | Teen Ink


July 18, 2008
By Anonymous

Scared beyond belief
Wishing things were different
Like they were at first
So peaceful and innocent
So full of love and attraction to ones own

Scared of the dreams
Scared of thoughts
Hoping them not to be true
Wondering if it is real
The flirting and so on

Scared of the aftermath
Not wanting to tell him
The fight that would follow
The tears that would shed

Scared of losing him
After everything is said and done
We would hold each other close
Until everything was better
Just to start over
Right where we began

The author's comments:
To everyone who has a love in their life we all know there are fears accompanying that love. We are all afraid of someone better coming along or losing them all together. Along with love you have fights which always bring you back to the beginning as to why you love eachother. This goes out to those who are scared of losing them.

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