Depression | Teen Ink


July 14, 2008
By Anonymous

Depression is the deep dark thing inside of me that no one is aloud to see

Always there, always waiting, always watching

waiting to catch me when I'm the most vulnerable

Lying in wait to see my next move

pouncing when i least expect it

making some leave, and making others closer

Thats when you find out who's true to you

No rays of sunshine can break through

no bright and sunny day

All things just wait and watch and see what will happen next

Turing me into something I'm not, but also being helpful

It helps you see who you really were, and how your life was

You see a different side of people.

Fearful of you, hating you

But then theres that special friend who can turn it all around. Thats what depressions all about.

The author's comments:
What inspired me to write this was basically, just life and my own experiences, and some of my friends

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