The Inevitable Idea | Teen Ink

The Inevitable Idea

July 8, 2008
By Anonymous

It is an idea.
An overused excuse.
A regretted feeling.
An overrated word.
A deadly crime.
A guilty pleasure.
A sweet escape.
A sin.
A relative of lust,
But an enemy of heartbreak.
It is bigger than us.
It can damage our minds
And destroy our hearts.
For some in lives in us forever
And others it comes and goes.
It lives in our systems
Eating our insides.
It is what we need more of in this world
And it isn’t hard to find.
For some it is a must
For others it doesn’t exist.
It is intimidating from the beginning
But a friend until the end
It affects us all differently
Whether in joy or in shame.
It is indeed something we deny
Though something we go through everyday.
It brings us pain and anguish.
It makes us question everything we’ve learned.
It is the most evil someone could bestow
Though at the same time it is a gift from God.
It kills us in everyway possible
But at the same time
It is impossible to live without.
It is an addiction.
It is love.

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