Sunflowers | Teen Ink


September 22, 2007
By Anonymous

I wanted to paint you sunflowers
(Because you said they reminded you of our first dance)
But as minutes turned to hours
All I could paint were petals of crumbled romance

And as hours turned to night
I laid in bed and thought of you
Remembered kissing you and knowing that, for once, it was right
(Because love like this is far and few)

Remembered you wrapping your arms around me tight
Telling me everything was going to be okay
And my parents were wrong for saying our love wasn't right
We'd be together no matter what people had to say

And for along time we were happy with each other
Then somewhere along the way everything went strange
You must have found another
I just didn't want to admit to the change

But I guess I have to accept it now
'Cause you've left me behind without saying goodbye
And I just want to know how
You can do this without answering why

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