Born Amidst Chaos | Teen Ink

Born Amidst Chaos

April 19, 2012
By Chris Palmer BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
Chris Palmer BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was Sunday, the 23rd of April 1995. There was
Not a cloud in the faultless sky. It happened
To be a considerably frigid day, considering
It was April in Southern Texas, more
Often than not a warm time of year here.
That day was scheduled to be the third
“Shower” for the unborn baby
(Due to be born a lengthy three and a half weeks
Later). My father conveyed my mother to the
Hospital early that morning.
Oldest sister Katie took mother’s
Place at the shower. Sister Molly
Was at a friend’s birthday party. And Daniel, my
Brother, was at home with his friend, Eric, and our
Grandmother, Nonna; Nonna praying for no complications
At birth, Daniel and Eric praying for a boy.
The participants at the shower called the doctor,
Who was a long time friend of my
Parents’, to check on my status, not out of concern,
For they had a “baby pool” to accurately predict the
Time of my birth. In the meantime, my father was
Dashing to and fro to monitor the other siblings.
Mother sat fully and completely bored in the hospital
Room, staring blankly at dull,
Uninteresting television programs,
Until the nurses scavenged for an exhilarating basketball
Game to keep her entertained. Later, at about 4:45 PM,
I was born to a quiet, yet joyful set of parents. Until about
An hour later, siblings, their friends, grandparents,
Aunts and uncles, and friends from the shower
Bombarded the quaint room. The nurses allowed
All of them in, while trying
Desperately to keep them reserved.
My mother was starved!
Luckily a friend brought food from the shower…
Which my siblings ate! Afterwards, after all had left,
My mother held me and
Softly whispered the end of the nursery rhyme,
“And the child that is born on the Sabbath day
Is bonny and blithe, and good and gay.”

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