Bad Memories | Teen Ink

Bad Memories

April 18, 2012
By dolphinblu2 BRONZE, Prattsville, New York
dolphinblu2 BRONZE, Prattsville, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When you stop doing things for fun you might as well be dead." -Ernest Hemingway

Each day passes and the cold wind blows. Each day seems like a cold Winters night during a snow storm long ago. The time changes and the days grow shorter. I walk alone the empty snowy streets, hoping to see you walking around the corner. Hours, days, years pass until that long summers day, I walk around that same very corner and walk right in your way. As the years had went on, it seems like nothing has changed, looking all around me seeing your wanted posters being hanged. Everything around me turned to stone, as I go back to that storm when the sun never shone. I looked at the store window and saw your face staring angrily at me, wondering if this could really be. My mind brings me back to that evil cold place that I never wanted to go. But I told myself, do not let that fear show. The suspicion grew when the cop ran around that corner and knocked you to the ground. I stood back in shock and turned around. To my surprise, that same man stood. The one who thought could change his world, but I never he never could. "You lied to me you fool! You said you would never do that again! I should have known better though, because you were not my friend. How dare you say that we could ever be so close, when you clearly decided to take another dose." "It's only one time" you say, when will that end? Because you my dear, are your own friend.

The author's comments:
This piece was written when my ex-boyfriend and I broke up. He was into serious things that I knew better not to be a part of. He became his only friend, and his own enemy. He lied to me, saying that he would not drugs ever again, just because he "loved" me. Soon enough, I found out different. He couldn't stop his addiction to being in the "High Life." I hope that people see that love can be blind at times, and that you have to take it slow. I hope that whomever reads this poem, sees that drugs can damage not only themselves, but the people around them.

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