Genesis of Eternity | Teen Ink

Genesis of Eternity

April 13, 2012
By EmblemDebut BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
EmblemDebut BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"In all unimportant matters, style, not sincerity, is the essential. In all important matters, style, not sincerity, is the essential. " - From Oscar Wilde's, Phrases And Philosophies For The Use Of The Young.

Her eyes glistened, enshrouded by the purest passion.

Oh how I wanted to kiss her, but timid of the action.

I adored her, she was my absolute everything, including my savior.

She lifted me up when I collapsed, when I was so ashamed at my behavior.

She would say, “Don’t give up baby, your not a failure.”

That gave me an immense hope, it brightened my day.

Now for the remained of my life I shall love and cheer her on, each and every way.

We stand here with hands united,

Smiles ignited,

Emotions collided,

Wishing the end of time would never be sighted.

I just wanted to press my lips against hers, it was such an intoxicating temptation.

Frantically I pondered, “What should I do? What if she would not like the confrontation?”

She told me she knew what I was thinking, for she knew me well.

“You want to kiss me don’t you Timmy? Trust me, I can tell.”

My head recoiled in shock, I didn’t want her to know.

She made a cute, small giggle. “Well come on then, what are you waiting for? Lets go!”

Dumbfounded, I leaned my chin in, pulled her close.

She repeated, although shorter, she had to stand on her tippy-toes.

Our lips embraced, it was a marvelous experience, I have awaited this moment all my life.

When our lips departed, eyes reopened, I knelt down orating, “will you be my wife?”

As a bewildering vigor coursed through her body,

She greatly accepted, you could see the excitement flourishing in her cheeks, she was lovely.

I took her hand as we paced across the shore line,

Our hearts elated, souls forever entwined.

This was the genesis of the rest of our lives,

I will always be aware of that in my mind.

Thank you so much for allowing me to be yours, it puts my troubled heart to a most deserved rest.

I had told you a thousand times before, none compare to you, you genuinely are the best.?

The author's comments:
Was written in 2010 about a girl I cared about.

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