I Remember You | Teen Ink

I Remember You

January 17, 2008
By Anonymous

I remember eating peaches with you.
I remember football games and gymnastic meets.
I remember how you spoiled me
Even though Nana said not to.
I remember the tropical storm
That snuck up on us
While on the flats in the Keys.
How you held me close
Keeping me warm.
And how could I forget
Health Channel Marathons
And morning newspapers together
And phone conversations
And snorkeling and swimming
And fishing and exploring
And laughing, just laughing.
I remember wanting to be just like you,
My hero.
Thinking you were perfect.
I remember learning that perfect was only a word.
I remember the day you cleared my vision
The day you broke my heart
The day you mocked all our memories
The day you decided to leave.
—I remember.

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